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Location: Cleveland, Tennessee, United States

Step behind the curtain and take a peek into the real world of nursing - uncut and uncensored!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Acquired Immunity

While checking my E-mail today, I was delighted to receive a message from my elder sister Dolly. She gave me strict instructions to pay a visit to Leon. Just before he left Poland yesterday, she entrusted him with a package for me celebrating my most recent graduation. Slightly frustrated that she would send me to the home of someone that I had only met once, my intention was not to bother until perhaps Leon himself contacted me. Yet for whatever reason, as I left McKee Library, I found myself cruising up the street toward Leon's house.

Pulling into the driveway, I was surprised that I had found the house again since my first visit this past Christmas. Nevertheless, I sheepishly crept toward the door and gave a hardy knock. From beyond the door came an accented hollar to "Come in!" I chuckled to myself. I had no intention of letting myself into someone else's house. Thus I stood waiting. Once Leon realized I was not about to relieve myself and enter as he had given permission, the door flew open. Standing on the other side was a man not much taller then myself. In fact I am sure that in stature he is just barely my height. But don't be fooled. What he lacks in height he makes up for plenty in wit.

I'm not sure how old Leon is but he does not strike me as someone whose mental capacity is equal to his chronological age. His first words came in the form of a question. "Are you your mother's daughter?" "Huh?" I thought he might greet me with some comment about being a sibling to Dolly. In all seriousness he repeated his question. "I better be" was my reply. He ushered me into the house and introduced me to his daughter and another girl that was also visiting. The other girl quickly left leaving me and Leon alone. I began asking him about Dolly and his trip. He asked if I would like to speak to her and I quickly accepted. Settling down in front of this computer I began talking to Dolly, which I have not done since the fire in Thatcher Hall. He quickly returned with a little green package, all decorated with ribbon. I opened the gift. French perfume. If it is possible to know someone too well then Dolly was successful with this choice. She later admitted that her and Chris spent quite some time picking the scent that they pictured was just right for me.

Hoping to not outwear my welcome, I bid Dolly farewell and switched places with Leon. Someone was talking to him online and he quickly began responding. As is his way he began questioning me about men and their existance in my life. I sighed heavily and expressed most sorrowfully that the entire species are jerks, to which Leon nodded. He again asked if there was someone that I had affections for. I could not lie, even to someone that was basically a stranger and thus replied an affirmative, but at the same time admitted his unreciprocated feelings. Leon nodded attentively. He requested a name which I surprisingly offered. He then questioned Dolly about such individual. Apparently she informed Leon of my wounded heart. He looked at me and then at the screen. "What did she say?" After poking and proding for an answer Leon said the news was sad. Dolly said I am hurting. Unfortunately she was truthful in her reply.

I then asked Leon why God allows these things to happen to people. Being a pastor I was sure that he might have an answer. Strange thing that I even asked him because I hardly know him. Yet he gave me the best answer that I have ever heard. He even related it to nursing, knowing that I have just graduated with my degree and that is the way my brain thinks.

Babies are born with immunity. Yet they are not born with immunity to all things. Their mother passes to them certain antibodies while others are acquired through contracting a disease or through immunization. My experience, my broken heart is my acquired immunity. Thus having been hurt once I am more aware of the risks and the consequences of taking that chance.

Although it was the best answer I have ever received, I still feel like a part of me is empty. Hollowed out, the pieces I will never regain and my recovery still rather questionable.