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Location: Cleveland, Tennessee, United States

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Comp 101 - Real Life

For those truly interested in my life, I have taken on a new project. Most truthfully it really all began the other day when someone at work asked me what I do for fun or when I am not at the hospital. I hesitated at first, concerned for half a millisecond what impression this person might derive from my response. But after rethinking the situation the more nonchalant side of me kicked my mouth open and out spilled my answer. "I write." Of course the next question came about quite predictably. "What do you write?" It was then that I unfolded myself to my co-workers. Some sat in shock and amazement, while I choked down a whopping helping of insult, as if I wasn't clever or even intelligent enough to write poetry. But I digress.

It was thus that I was inspired to begin writing my book. Yes, you heard correctly, a book. And might I add in my own defense that if any other schmuck can sit down and write a book about oh let's say sex positions and make millions, then why should I limit myself from being added to the list of schmucks? Besides, there are a million better things to write about and I have found one that suits me quite nicely. What is it you ask? Well you see that is classified information at the present, something that I am not going to reveal until my artistic expression is completed. Currently I'm in the middle of chapter 2, and thus far I am quite pleased with my work. I've not only found this project beneficial at filling those empty spaces in my schedule, but it has also proven to be quite therapeutic as well. Have I caught your attention yet?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm drooling! Go for it girl! You pave the way and then I will follow!

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would be hilarious to hear Patti Perowski's opinions of sex positions.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



5:02 PM  
Blogger lady be good said...

oh my word, at can't this anonymous person even spell our name correctly? listen buddy, it's PORAwski because PORA is a word in polish! Kurcze! I bet patti would say something very intelligent nevertheless on that subject, as she can on all subject shed intelligent light.

anyway sister, i'm here. keep trying to call. sometimes it's just a matter of where i am in my room as to whether the reception is getting through. don't give up and please please let me know what is going on with poppy as soon as you know. love you.

2:04 PM  

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