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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gossip 101

I'd be lying if I ever said that I never gossipped about someone. I'm sure that most of the general population can remember a time when they had something not-so-nice to say about someone else. But it's like I always say, there is an art to everything, and that includes gossip.

In this case you better know the tricks of the trade, unless you want to get caught with your pants down. Honestly it's not that I know these things because I have extensive practice in the art of gossip, but really it's more or less common sense. To do anything less would be as The Second says, a rookie move:

1. Volume control - nobody likes a loud mouth gossip

2. Never talk about the subject at hand with one of their friends present

3. Never talk about the person right under their nose

4. Never talk bad about a Yankee

5. Prepare yourself for the repercussions of your actions

6. Listen carefully

7. Be sure your sins will find you out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A rookie move for sure.. oh and it might be about time for you to update your "about me" blurb (that might not be the correct usage of that word but it works for me...)

2:10 AM  

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